🌈How to Redeem Bifrost Liquid Crowdloan KSM
This guide describes how to redeem vsKSM from Mangata X crowdloan for Bifrost Liquid Crowdloan Participants
Last updated
This guide describes how to redeem vsKSM from Mangata X crowdloan for Bifrost Liquid Crowdloan Participants
Last updated
There is a time limit for this event as your vsBond's are going to expire approximately 20th of March 2024. Make sure you redeem your vsKSM's by then or you will lose your chance to redeem.
Go to https://bifrost.app/ and select Kusama Network.
Connect your wallet and go to Wallet section. You'll be able to see your vsBond and vsKSM.
If you swapped or crossed-out your vsKSM you need to swap back or cross-in to pair it with your vsBond. If your vsKSM and vsBond are already paired, skip the next two steps (2a and 2b) and go directly to 3rd step.
2a. If you crossed-out your vsKSM to Mangata X, you can get it back to Bifrost by selecting Crosschain -> cross-in. Alternatively you can do this from Mangata X withdraw interface by following this guide.
2b. If you swapped your vsKSM, you need to get some vsKSM back by swapping.
After you paired your vsKSM and vsBond, go to Explore more -> vCrowdloan. Click My Contribution.
You should be able to see your Mangata X crowdloan participation from this screen. Click Redeem.
Select Unstake -> Mangata X.
You have options to continue liquid staking on Bifrost or Redeem the entirety of your KSM back.
After you click Unstake, you will see your KSM back in your wallet on Bifrost.